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One of the most important tasks for any home seller is to hold an open house. And although your real estate agent may advise you on exactly how you should do this, it is ultimately up to you to create an experience that will inform and delight people who are in the market for a new home. Here are 5 tips to make your next open house one that gets offers.

  • Advertise the open house: The first step to holding a successful open house is to let people know that your home is ready to be viewed. To do this, post ads on the internet – including in social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter – and also print up and circulate flyers around the neighborhood. In other words, try to utilize both tech and low tech methods of getting the word out about your open house.
  • Prepare the premises for the open house: This step covers a lot of ground. However, be sure to have plenty of parking spaces available outside your home, refreshments ready, etc. You many even wish to hire a profesional cleaning service to go over your home prior to showcasing it to potential buyers. In short, try to make your home as easy to access and as warm and cozy as you can for viewers.
  • Put out the paperwork: Lay out documents such as inspection reports, appraisals, evidence of major repairs and warranties, blueprints for additions, etc., so that visitors can have easy access to information they may need to make a well informed decision about buying your home.
  • Track attendees and feedback: Ask your visitors to sign in upon viewing your home. This way you will generate a list of potential contacts who may be interested in buying your home. You will also be able to get valuable feedback on how your open house went and how it can be improved.
  • Interact with visitors: Try to warmly greet every person who enters your home. Remain upbeat and positive no matter how the person you greet responds to you. Additionally, find out what they are looking for by asking them open-ended questions about what they want in a home so that you can know whether or not you will be able to meet their requirements.

According to some studies, at least 20% of homes sales were the result of an open house being held for home shoppers. Thus, open houses are a valuable tool for people who want to quickly and efficiently sell their home. When you have sold your home and are ready to move our Westlake Village moving company and help you make the transition. Furthermore, our Westlake Village storage company can store and protect your belongings indefinitely in our climate-controlled, secure facility.

open house