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Buying a home is the biggest investment most people will ever make. So, it just makes sense that your investment is sound. Fortunately, the risk that does exist with this kind of investment can be greatly reduced by working with the right home inspector and by asking him/her the right questions as he/she is assessing your new home. Here are seven of the most important questions to ask a home inspector.

What credentials do you have?

The first questions you should ask of the home inspector you are considering using is about their qualifications. Figure out what their credentials are prior to moving forward. This will let you know if they’re qualified for the task.

Is the electrical system safe and up-to-date?

We all know that electricity can be dangerous and if mishandled can even be deadly. Older electrical systems can be even more dangerous and subject homeowners to shock and even fire. Make sure that you know whether or not your new home’s outlets and breaker boxes are in compliance with National Electrical Code standards. 

What will be covered in the home inspection?

You should ask the inspector before they begin their work about what will be covered. Areas you may wish to ask them about include: water pressure, wall cracks, attics, basement, mold, etc. 

How well is the home insulated?

According to the Energy Department, the heating and cooling needs of a home can be reduced by 30 percent with the use of good insulation and ventilation. Therefore, you will want to ask the inspector about areas of the home that are susceptible to heat loss such as the attic, basement and walls.

Is this a big deal or a minor home inspection issue?

Let’s face it. No home is perfect. Therefore, rather than looking for a flawless home you should find out which items are big issues and should be addressed immediately and which ones are minor issues that can be put off. 

How is the plumbing?

A home inspector will evaluate drains, water heaters, pipes, water pressure and temperature. You will want to know about the condition of all these things. For example ask about how well the water flows from each faucet and whether or not the house has older, lead piping. 

Are there signs of mice or other critters?

Ask your home inspector if they have come across mice droppings or other evidence of unwanted guests.  Mice and other rodents can cause significant damage to homes – wiring and insulation, for example – and can also pose a health risk.

In brief, you should carefully consider the quality of this investment you will be making. The right choice will make your move that much safer. Our Westlake Village storage company can also make your move safe, affordable and seamless. Los Angeles moving and storage can be hectic and we are the solution that many people prefer.