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Moving can be a stressful time. With boxes to be packed, addresses to be changed and your family driving each other crazy, there is another member of your family that will be feeling the tension too. Your pet(s) whether furry or not are also going to need to be taken care of prior, during and after your move. Especially if you are moving a long distance, it is important to keep in mind your pets needs while also preparing them for your new home. Here are a few tricks to keep in mind when moving with a pet. 

Pack a to-go bag with all the things they will need on hand. This includes treats, toys, a special blanket, really whatever they need to be comfortable during the drive to your new space. Make sure you have enough food and water to give to them as well. When you stop for a bathroom break, take your dog out too to give them the chance to stretch and use the facilities if needed (don’t forget the doggy bags!). 

Contact your veterinarian and ask for a copy of all your medical records with them. These records are important and having a copy with you is a good idea. Consider putting them with your own important documents so that you know exactly where they are. It may be helpful to ask your vet if they have any recommendations for a new office. Connections within the medical world are everywhere, it never hurts to ask! 

When doing all packing, try to set aside a day to do it and take your pet out of the house. It could be that they go stay with a friend of yours for a day or a local kennel. If this isn’t available, put them in an area away from all the ruckus like an already empty bedroom. This will not only prevent your boxes from being destroyed, but help to keep them calm as well. Lots of moving and breaking of routine can be stressful on animals. Don’t forget to take a break and take them on a walk, both of you will benefit.  

Once you make the move, try to set up as much of the house as possible and keep your pet indoors as much as possible. Setting up the house will give them a sense of familiarity and help them to adjust to their new space. If you are looking for movers in Burbank or are looking for storage in Westlake Village, we hope that you will consider us.