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The bathroom can seem like it would be a relatively easy space to pack but the truth is that the bathroom has a lot of specialty items that you may not have considered when it comes time to move. Here we are going to go over a few packing tips to help you get ready for the move. 

Sort and Organize- Under the counter, on the sink, and hanging out in the bathtub area, there are bound to be a lot of items that are at home in the bathroom. The best way to start is by taking everything out and organizing it. Starting with simple piles like hair tools, bottles, and your skincare. This will help you see not only how many items you have accumulated but also how much you could be getting rid of. Trust us, you do not need that mini hotel shampoo bottle that has a drop left. Clean it out, move on. 

Packing Bottles- Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash are just a few of the bottles you are likely to have on hand. Anything that has a lid and a liquid or cream inside should be packaged carefully. Using a piece of plastic wrap, open the lid and put the plastic wrap between the lid and the opening to create another barrier. Screw the lid on as you normally would and now you have an extra layer of protection.

Specialty Packing tips- Cords from your hair dryer or straightener should be wrapped together with their item. Using a piece of painters tape to keep your cords in order before you put them in the box. Use towels to wrap breakable items like make-up pallets. Any medication you have should be carefully gone through. Safely dispose of anything that is expired and always keep your medicine with you in your own bag. You do not want to be looking for it when you are unpacking. 

Unopened items- Any items that are unopened need to be put aside separate from your open bottles. . If your move is relatively close by, consider taking those items with you in your own car in a box that has been layered with towels in case something spills. If you are traveling a distance where it isn’t worth bringing them with you, call your local shelter and see if they accept any of the items you have. Toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and feminine hygiene products are almost always welcome. 

As you are packing, make sure to set aside the most essential items you will need during the weekend of your move so you have them on hand. Future you will thank you for not having to run out and buy shampoo at 11 o’clock at night. If you are looking for a full service moving company in Los Angeles or a Westlake Village storage company, we hope that you will visit us online.