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If you are visiting extended family this holiday season it is the perfect time to discuss your
desire to downsize. As your local Los Angeles moving and storage provider, we are happy to
help every step of the way during your downsizing process. It is always best to get family
support during a life event such as downsizing. See below for things to discuss and think about
during the upcoming transition.
 Timeline: Make sure that you layout a specific timeline of how you want the process to
go. Things to consider include prepping your current home to sell and projects that need
to be done, when you want to move into the new home, when you will be researching
Los Angeles moving and storage, etc.
 When in doubt throw it out: As you begin to pack up your belongings you will quickly
realize you cannot bring everything with you to a smaller home. It is the perfect time to
declutter and only bring the essentials. As you start to go through your belongings the
best policy is “when in doubt, throw it out.”
 Delegate: There will be a variety of tasks that need to get done. You do not need to take
them all on yourself. Make sure that you delegate tasks as necessary such as painting
and/or heavy lifting.
 Stay positive: This can be an extremely emotional process particularly if you have lived
in your current home for quite some time. Make sure that you keep an upbeat attitude
but also give yourself some grace.home