As your local Pasadena moving and storage company, we have seen more and more
families decide to relocate long distance. During the COVID19 pandemic many families decided
that they needed to relocate whether it be locally or long distance. Many companies are now
permanently resorting to work from home opportunities to save on overhead as they have
realized that productivity has not decreased due to remote working conditions. If your family
has decided to move long distance it can quickly become overwhelming. As your professional
Pasadena moving and storage company, we have a few tips on how to help best prepare
1. Plan ahead: Giving yourself the gift of time is the best way to help prepare your family
for a big move. The moment you find out that you will be relocating it is best to start any
and all preparations that you can.
2. Inventory list: Making an inventory list will help you as you rediscover your belongings.
If you have several steps to your move before your final destination it might become
confusing as to where all of your belongings have gone. An inventory list will allow you
to be able to keep better track of where everything has gone.
3. Think through all the steps: Particularly if you have many family members including
children and pets there can be many moving parts to a move. You want to make sure
that you think through all of the steps involved in the move including transferring
schools, pet records, travel accommodations, etc.
4. Storage: At some point during your move, you may realize that storage is necessary.
Whether you are not going directly to your final destination or you have more
belongings than you realized, storage is likely inevitable. Russell’s Moving is happy to
accommodate any type of storage needs that may occur throughout your move.
5. Majorly downsize: If you are moving long distance it is likely easier and more cost
effective in some cases to sell most of your belongings and to start fresh.